Question Types

Question type defines how the question will be asked and written to the data file. There are ten question types available in Survey Shaper, each represented by a different shape. Question types are found in the Toolbox, and are also referred to as Objects.

Some question types have multiple question formats that can be specified to change the way the question is presented on the screen.

To select the question type:

  • Select and drag the question object from the Toolbox and drop it into the Designer Pane; or
  • Right mouse-click on an existing question object in the Designer Pane and select Change Object Type from the Quick Menu.

Which Question Type Should I Use?

A Single question allows the survey respondent to only provide one answer to a question. This may require the selection of one answer from a number of options in a predefined list of coded response options, or may simply require a single numeric entry, including a date and/ or time.
A Multi question allows the respondent to select two or more options according to a predefined list of coded response options.
A Verbatim question may also be called an open ended question. It is an undirected question which has no code frame or predetermined responses. The respondent is free to type in whatever response they want.
A Grid question can be used where respondents are required to answer the same question across multiple items, such as rating agreement with a battery of statements or satisfaction with a selection of brands.
A Sample object allows you to import fields or variables from the sample file to use in the survey.
An Instruction object allows you to present an instruction, description, or comment to the respondent with no answer code frame, just a 'next' button at the bottom of the screen.
A Rank question allows the respondent to rank the listed code items from first to last, most to least, etc.
A Verbatims question shows a code list and next to each code a free text box where an open ended comment can be entered.
A Skip object generates a skip pattern based on a prior response, defining the point at which the skip occurs and where the respondent rejoins the script.
A Transfer object directs the script to a URL external to the survey.

Other Survey Objects

In addition to the ten main question types, there are three additional objects available in the Survey Shaper Toolbox. These three objects represent a collection of individual questions that exist outside the current survey.

A Module object defines a series of sub-questions. A module can be dropped in an existing survey and the sub-questions will be asked as part of the survey.
Question Sets are groups of questions that may be regularly used in your surveys. Once inserted into the survey, all objects within the question set are fully editable.
The Import object is used to import one or more individual question from another existing survey.